Osteopaths don’t just treat backs!

Scroll through the FAQs we get asked by our patients and learn a little about what they mean.

*Please note* All content within this page is provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Please make an appointment for a full personalised assessment and health screen.


+ Why do my fingers tingle?

There are a number of causes of tinging fingers or “pins and needles”, including diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, or nerve entrapment syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome. As well as this, it can also be a symptom of nerve compression within our neck, which is where the nerves that supply our hands start. It is advised you have an assessment to diagnose the cause of the tingling and explore options for preventing it from continuing.

+ Why do I keep dropping things?

There are many reason for this, your Osteopath will consider all possible causes and help diagnose the problem. One common cause is that the nerves that supply our hands are not signaling correctly and therefore our muscles do not contract properly to help us keep hold of things.

+ Why do my wrists click?

Our wrists are made up of 8 tiny bones that move in unison to enable the large amounts of movement our wrists have. These bones are crossed by many tendons that can rub across the bones and cause a “clicky” noise. It can also be caused by instability in our wrists that needs assessing, especially if the clicking noise is painful.

+ Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?

There are many different views on the effects of finger clicking, but there is no research to support the idea that is causes arthritis. The noise or ‘crack’ is created by space increasing between the joints causing gases to be released and is not harmful.